Animal Service Center of Mesilla Valley New Adoption Center
Jaynes is leading the construction of the 17,304 square foot Animal Service Center of Mesilla Valley (ASCMV) New Adoption Center. The project involves the construction of the main operational building for ASCMV, four standalone dog kennel pods with heating and cooling systems for sheltered dogs, and two dog parks.
ASCMV will operate as a no-kill animal shelter and will offer affordable adoptions to provide a safe haven for unclaimed animals. The construction of this facility will enable ASCMV to expand its capacity, rescuing more animals from kill shelters and the streets, offering a second chance to pets in the Las Cruces area. The significance of Jaynes’ contribution to this project will be displayed by the impact on countless animals’ lives, ensuring their well-being and providing new family members for future pet owners.
Jaynes Structures, Inc. will execute self-perform casework. This involves creating storage spaces for dog food and other sanitary items in all dog pods, as well as in the main facility. The completion of this project will not only enhance the functionality of the ASCMV New Adoption Center but also reinforce Jaynes’ commitment to meaningful community projects with a lasting positive impact.
Job Details:
City of Las Cruces
ASA Architects