Los Alamos National Labs Parking Structures TA-03 and TA-50
Jaynes worked alongside the Hartman + Majewski Design Group and Los Alamos National Labs (LANL) to provide long-lasting, upgraded parking solutions for the LANL campus. The two Design/Build parking garages, TA-03 and TA-50, are positioned to mitigate parking shortages in addition to preparing for LANL’s expansion over the next 10 years. Triad National Security has, on average, been hiring 1,000 new employees a year as part of the lab’s continuing plan for expansion. TA-03 is a 144,520 square foot parking garage consisting of one ground level and two upper floors with two stair towers and an elevator. This structure adds 467 parking spaces to the campus. TA-50 is a 141,035 square foot parking garage that has three levels, located on the TA-50 Area of the campus and adding 455 parking spaces. Jaynes Structures poured a combined total of approximately 51,000 tons of concrete for the two parking garages which included cast-in-place and precast concrete.
Job Details:
Los Alamos National Labs
Hartman + Majewski Design Group