Chamisa Elementary
Jaynes is working alongside Los Alamos Public Schools and Dekker-Perich-Sabatini for the Chamisa Elementary school project.
This 53,225 square foot building will include classrooms, a library, staff space, a warming- kitchen, gymnasium, and stage. The site will include new, separate playgrounds for Pre-K/Kindergarten and 1st through 5th graders including basketball courts, a turf athletic field and an outdoor learning area. Additional site work for this project includes drainage improvements, water and sewer lines replaced the full distance to the main lines, security system and site lighting for building and site security, new defined play areas, landscaping and irrigation systems, new shaded outdoor eating and group gathering area, and parking lots including new parent drop off/pick-up and bus loop. The Chamisa Elementary school is similar to the Piñon Elementary school being concurrently built by Jaynes, and is located just a few blocks down the road.
Our BIM department is involved in this project through completing building systems (MEP) modeling and coordination. Jaynes Structures Concrete is self-performing all concrete work for the Chamisa Elementary project, catering to the legacy of what we build today, and also to what the future will be for Los Alamos’ next generation of citizens.
Job Details:
Los Alamos Public Schools
Dekker-Perich-Sabatini Architects (DPS)